Saturday, November 22, 2014

My first assignment as the 
local ambassador 
Voices Against Brain Cancer 
was this interview on WCTV (11/10/14):

Sunday, August 10, 2014

silver medal winner

Liquidating Life was awarded a silver medal in the Health & Fitness category by the Florida Authors & Publishers Association, at their fall conference August 9, 2014.

It is a wonderful honor to be selected and acknowledged in this way.  

This is a picture of the display at the conference.


more updates

July 29th, 2014 I found another sticky note John left for me.  It was stuck to the back cover of a music book on the shelf.  The book was yellow like the note, and I had flipped through the pages, stacked it with other books, put it in a box, then turned it over to make it stack better, and BAM, there was the note.

Not sure exactly what it says, but it doesn't matter.  It's been right at 2 years since I found one, and truly thought there probably weren't any more.  It was a happy day!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Character Blog Hop

 I was invited by Susan Womble ( to participate in the Character Blog Hop. Here are my answers to the questions about a character in my story. I will also post them on my facebook page, .

1.  What is the name of your character?  
John Dennis Cogdill, and yes, he was a character.
2.  When and where is the story set? Tallahassee and Havana; 2009-2012.
3.  What should we know about him?   
John Dennis was a gracious, big-hearted person.
4.  What is the main conflict?   
A diagnosis of brain cancer changed John Dennis' world in 2009.
5.  What is the personal goal of the character?   
John Dennis' main goal was to get the gospel message to as many as he could in the time he had left.
6.  What is the title of this book?   "Liquidating Life"