The book launch party for "Liquidating Life" was held Friday, June 7, 2013 at Dorothy B. Oven Park in Tallahassee. This is a picture of the main room.
In May, I ordered 100 books to sell and give away. I have only about a dozen left and re-ordered more yesterday. A few weeks ago, I spoke to a writing group about the publishing process with createspace. A retirement facility is hosting a local author round-table event later in June and I've signed up to participate.
"Liquidating Life" is on kindle now, but the pictures didn't transfer. It is what it is and I've sold a half dozen.
Many people have emailed me their "John memories" and it has been great reading them. The book launch got people thinking about him and I appreciate their memories.
There are 5 reader reviews on amazon. The book's ranking fluctuates from 55,000 to 800,000 depending on how much traffic/sales/comments/activity is on the amazon page.
This is the link to the book review in the Tallahassee Democrat: