Sunday, April 3, 2011

all over the map

When I am tired, I get emotional.  With my first week back at work, I'm tired.  Doesn't help that tomorrow is our 8th anniversary.  John and I always celebrated April 4th as our anniversary and agreed that no matter what day we were married, we'd continue to use that date.  Well, actually I say it was April 1st but John said April 4th, no discussion.  "IT" was our first kiss, in the parking lot of the bowling alley.  2003.  So long ago.

I've been tired all day.  Not sleeping through the night.  I wake up around 2:30 for an hour or so, then don't feel rested in the mornings.  Taking a p.m. tonight.

How to celebrate our anniversary?  Thought about going to the "Build a Bear" store and making a boy bear wearing something that reminds me of John.  For 4 Valentine's, he gave me bears:  one wearing camo for hunting, Yankees with my name on the jersey, 2 with Valentines.  Vermont Teddy Bears has a "Prince Charming" bear.  He's holding a glass slipper on a pillow, and this may be the one I go with, but I wanted to make one myself.  I may go to the store and see what they have.  Would love to find a blue button-down shirt and have it embroidered with "Angel Carpet Cleaning" like John's uniforms.  decisions decisions

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