Wednesday, December 8, 2010

chilly willy wednesday

Ready for bed so this will be short.  John had a ct scan done today of the bulge under the incision.  We'll go tomorrow to get the results. 
tumor vs. infection

Dr. chemo doubled the steroid Monday, and today, John has been wound up, and this evening, hearing bombs.  Not sure if he's hearing actual explosions or the word 'bomb' in conversations.  He watched the news with his parents, then when a talk show came on, he thought they were still talking about the same things on the news; internet, bombs, bombs.  everything was bombs
When he realized we weren't being bombed, he calmed down some.  He went to the bedroom and laid down until his parents went to bed, then came to the living room where I am.  Kept the tv muted and now he's napping.

A limb/bush fell on the utility light out back and broke the shade/cover for it.  The town guys came today and replaced it and cut back the limbs.  Too bad Daddy didn't get to do it with his handy dandy chainsaw on a stick.

Will be going to town hall to reserve cemetary plots next week. 

Snuck around this afternoon and picked up a couple of Christmas gifts.  Speaking of Christmas, or chicken, as it's known in my classroom......the day the calendar flipped to December, my kids went nuts.  All they knew about December was Christmas, so we made a rule.  No one could say the C word.  Then they suddenly figured out Christmas doesn't start with c-, but c-h.  So now they can spell....
Since the beginning of school, some of them will randomly blurt out 'chicken' and the rest will snicker [still haven't figured that one out yet].
When I say "C-h"-something or other, meaning Christmas, they say "chicken day".  Never a dull moment in camp cogdill.  Yesterday I told them I was the only one who could say Christmas because I was reading stories with that word.  They still say chicken and laugh; I say Christmas.  Next week I'll let them start saying Christmas, too.
I'm sure the kids have told their parents they aren't allowed to say Christmas, and the parents think their child isn't allowed to say the word 'Christmas' because it isn't PC.  Well, all I have to say to that is....

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