Saturday, December 11, 2010


Reminds me of stuppeeditey.  John's made-up words. 
Today was a weird day.  Mama and I went shopping this morning, and when we got home, John was lathargic and feeble acting.  We walked uptown, came home and he rested.  Then we went to Burger King.  While we were there, he asked me what gifts I remembered him giving me over the years.  Talk about putting a girl in the hot seat.  But he gives great gifts, and Sharon and I had just had this conversation the other day, so I reminded him of the footie/camo pajamas, turquoise bracelet, Yankee jersey.  He remembered a couple of necklaces, and th perfume 'he' got from Victoria's Secret.....Sharon really picked up the items because he won't set foot in that store.  He laughs when he talks about it.  He didn't want any help with the bracelet and was proud of what he got.  And it WAS an impressive gift.  We talked about a few other things, and places we'd been.  I wanted to come home and look thru pictures for more memories, so we did.

Later, John perked up.  He said his head had been hurting earlier and he knew he was acting and feeling weird.  We watched Andy Griffith at 7:00.  Had to mute the sound because John kept 'hearing' them talk about catastrophes.  He was rational enough to know they weren't but asked me just to make sure. 

His friend Dave called from Atlanta, and John told him bye and how much he has enjoyed knowing him.  It was bittersweet.  Quite a few of his friends have called lately and it's meant a lot to John.  Don't think he knows I've emailed many of them with the latest update.  John's determined to be 'gone' by the new year, and after watching him today, when he gives up, it will be over. 

I'm craving noise.  John likes it quiet, and as long as we've been married, he can't handle extraneous sounds like background radio/tv/movies.  I like something quietly going in the background usually, but can do silent also.  But lately, there is nothing in the background so my head is empty.  [haha  bad choice of wording]

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