Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm bored out of my mind

John's favorite saying today.....I'm bored out of my mind.  Can't read, can't write, can't keep up with conversations on tv.  He took out some of his Bible commentary books and looked at the pictures in them.  I asked if he remembers the stories when he looks at the pictures.  He said pretty much, and pointed to a map of Israel and a particular place on it.  He remembers that Paul and Jesus spent time there, and in his head, he can recall this and loves those stories.  The sections of the books have large headings and I asked if he could read them.  Yes, in his head but not out loud.  The brain is an amazing thing.

We played checkers and I finally beat him!  Mama was our only visitor, and only because she left her jacket yesterday.  John's niece called.  He knew she was going to because his brother told him yesterday.  He got up expecting a call.  With the 2 hour difference, I wasn't sure how 'early' she'd call, but around 11 our time, I heard the phone ring and him say, "Oh, goodie."  They talked for a long time.  The highlight of his day.  We took pictures of ourselves outside under the gorgeous Bradford pear tree.  He wants the kids to see the beautiful colors of the leaves because all they have now is evergreens covered in snow; no colors.  

John and I changed his patch tonight, & I really think the tumor area is not as protruding.  I mentioned it to him and he said "good.  Maybe it's growing in now and it will end."  I just roll my eyes at him.  I know what he means but don't like it.  He got around well today.  Would do an activity then rest; do another activity and rest.  He stayed up until 10 p.m. and is snoring in bed now.

Talked to the accountant and lady who is buying the business.  Told them to talk amongst themselves because it's stressing me too much to deal with business-selling language I'm not familiar with.  I trust him to make sure the paperwork is correct, keep her protected, and get this done.  Although I'm sure once it's finalized, John will be at peace that everything in his life is complete and it will be the true beginning of the end.  

John had me buy him depends today.  He doesn't need them yet, and Hospice will give them to us eventually, but he doesn't want his first accident to be at my parents' when we spend the night there for Christmas.  Bless his heart.  He thinks of everyone and every thing.  I've never purchased them before, so I wasn't sure what size to get.  Hasn't tried them on yet to see how I did.

Almost Christmas Eve.  Mailed class drawings and a flag to Snowball at Glacier, and {finally} a copy of my book to the agent who asked for a copy back in March.  Should've done it a long time ago, but you know, life.   

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