All of the sudden I have 19 posts. How did that happen? Have I written that much? Have at least 19 days passed since I began this blog? Time is going too fast.
Today was a BUSY, busy day. One of our friends from high school came over this morning, and brought his son, the aspiring film school student, to film John talking about his beliefs. We waited a week too long to do this. Last week John could still talk my head off about God and apostles and details, but this week, he's lost a little more language and comprehension.
The filming lasted almost an hour and a half. A lot of it was repetitive, but he got across the main points: all you need to know about God is in the Bible; Jesus and his sacrifice redeem us from sin; miracles and tongues are not for today; it's our responsibility to study the Bible. It's his trust in God and knowing he's redeemed by Christ, that gives John the peace to be ready to die. "I hate to say it but I'm looking forward to going."
The tape will be edited and uploaded to John's youtube account.
This was one of the last things he wanted to do before dying. It is all-important for him to leave behind writing and video of him sharing God's message.
After these friends left, we ate lunch, John rested, then Mama came over. The hospice social worker came back with more info on payment options. We all feel much better after coming up with a gameplan. There are still unknowns, but we can let it go until after the first of the year.
A guy John has worked with for years and years came by with his baby girl. She is a doll. They sat in another room and visited and played with the baby while Mama and I talked with Hospice. It was a nice diversion for John. The friend is going to come back later in the week.
Talked to a couple of friends/family today. It's so nice to be off work. But.......I find myself frustrated with John from being around him all day and night. Mainly because he gets ornery if decisions are made that he doesn't understand. He still doesn't want me to get him on disability yet, and when we talk about it, we fuss because we see it differently. Sometimes I want to throw my hands up and say 'whatever' but I let it go and try again later.
I can see clearly when he's tired and should lay down, but he fights it because he doesn't want to be up all night. That's when he gets really irritable. But all in all, there's not much to complain about. He's handling everything well and for the most part, does listen to what I say. Maybe I'm tired and don't realize it.
Tried to talk to his health insurance company today but they won't tell me anything because I'm not attached to the policy, so tomorrow I'm faxing a durable poa so they can tell me what the policy covers and doesn't cover; costs; copays; etc.
Another warm day. We walked a little, and John went out by himself to walk twice.
The Bradford pear tree outside our windows is a spectacular unbrella of yellow, gold, orange, red, and every color in between.
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