Friday, January 14, 2011

cussin' kind of day

It began around 1:30 a.m. last night. 
I was awakened by a loud **sigh**.
Just when I doze off:  **sigh**.
This happens when John can't sleep at night.  The last couple of weeks he had gotten good about taking a p.m. or ibuprofen or something to relax him to fall back asleep.  For some reason, he wouldn't last night.  And just when I'd doze off:  **sigh**.
Around 6:30 a.m. I asked if he'd like to go to the couch because sometimes he sleeps better there.  He must have thought I was sending him to the couch because he had a little attitude about it, grabbed his pillow and headed out.  Not sure if he slept or not.

Which means he had a rough day.  He ate b'fast then laid back down, got up, laid back down, back and forth until around 11:30. 
For about 2 weeks, John has been trying to get me to make an appointment with his accountant to get quarterly tax info to him, and to ask questions about what is business/what is personal now that the business has sold.  I called the accountant Wed and he said come Friday [today].  I did all this in front of John, plus explained it to him after I got off the phone.  He gave me the 'thumbs up.', when he reminded me of the appt, and the time grew closer, he lit into me about 'how could we expect the accnt to drop whatever he was doing to get his quarterly done while we waited.'  I explained that we were only dropping things off and asking questions, NOT waiting for him to do the report today.  That appeased John for a few minutes, then he started in on the 'I never tell him anything' and 'we shouldn't drop in on the accountant.'

The lady from his health insurance company called for the fifth time wanting to know if he wanted the new program that waives a limit on Hospice coverage once your deductible and out-of-pocket are met.  I have explained this to him a gazillion times, and how we need it now that we're paying for Hospice.  He kept saying we didn't need it.  This, piled on to him being mad about going to the accountant put me over the edge.  I told John he was "frustrating the hell out of me." 
His reply,"You're always right; never wrong. blah, blah, blah"  He went to the living room and put his head between his hands and sat for a long time.  Wouldn't eat lunch before we left for the mtg.  I told him I was sorry.  I really did feel guilty for telling him he is frustrating because I can't imagine how frustrated HE must be, not being able to communicate.
He took bananas, water, crackers, and an orange, and ate in the car on the way and back.

The mtg with the accountant went well.  I have a few assignments to follow up on.  John insisted on paying him for the work he's done this year, to make sure he's taken care of because the accountant has been such a big help to us.  The accnt asked his secretary to pull John's file and see what the balance was.  She came in carrying a folder and said he didn't owe anything.  I looked at the accnt and he nodded and said that sounded right to him.  The secretary winked at me.  Not sure what's going on, but I KNOW he's owed for this past year.  John accepted his word and went on to the next subject.

On the way home, we went by the bank and the bank girl said John had some mail returned from them.  I confirmed his mailing address, but she said an account manager would call.  The lady did call later in the day and insisted on talking to John.  [I have already been to the bank and filled out a POA and told them what's going on with him and that he can't communicate very well.  If she can't see this in his 'file' then let her talk to him on the phone!]  I handed it to him when she called and they chatted.  Not sure how it went but I'm sure she came away from the conversation very confused.  too bad

We also stopped at the PO box and Publix.  Going north on Monroe, if you turn left onto the truck route, there is work on the road on up at the railroad.  Sign-holders have traffic stopped and it's only one lane traveling at a time.  There wasn't a sign telling you the street is blocked if you're going north turning left, so I did it.  Of course our lane was the one stopped.  They let oncoming traffic thru, then traffic coming out of Publix, which was where we were headed to check on John's meds. 
While we waited for our turn to go, the first car in line, about 4 cars ahead of us, asked the sign guy if he could turn into the Publix parking lot.  No one was coming, and cones divided what looked like a lane going to the shopping center from the one lane for traffic on the left side of the road.  A trooper sat on the side of the road where we waited.  The sign guy wouldn't let the first car scoot on.  Well.........once it was our turn, the sign guy on down the road motioned for us to go on the left side of the cones, but the first car went by one cone, then got in the right lane to go to Publix.  All the cars between us did the same.  The sign guys were having a fit because we weren't in the 'correct' lane.  But we all had on our right turn signals.  I knew where I was going. 

About that time, the trooper flipped on his lights and siren and was coming up behind me, the last car turning right.  The monologue in my head went something like this, "Bring it on, buddy.  With the day I've had, I'll win.  I'm not stopping."  I looked in my rearview again and he had turned off his lights and started backing up to where he sat before.  Ha!  We were doing NOTHING wrong.  I guess the cars behind us got in the left lane and did it right. 

John's medicine had no more refills and they are going to call the dr for more.  Like John said, it's on automatic refill.  They should have already done that.

Finally got home, ate, went to town to fax John's insurance permission to opt-in for the extra Hospice coverage because the accnt told John it sounded good to him.

Now John's head hurts but he's been asleep since 9 or so.  He went to bed around 6 but couldn't sleep.  I laid with him and while we talked, he said,"I know you're hurting.  Tell me what you think."  I told him again that I don't want him to go and I'll miss him a lot.  He likes it when I tell him that. 

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