Monday, January 31, 2011

crash bang

John took his first real fall this morning.  He's ok.
He was on the couch and got up, then turned around to get his pillow.
I was on the toilet of course, and the next thing I heard was
several things falling to the floor and finally an 'umph.'
I rushed in the living room and his head was almost behind
the tv table, the tv was almost on the floor in the opposite
direction, the plugs had been knocked out of the socket, and
I'm not sure what else. 
John scraped his forearm on something.  It barely broke the
skin.  There's a knot on his wrist bone.  He rolled over and
laid on the floor for a while.  I put his pillow under his head.
After he calmed down, he got up and went to bed.

Later when I asked him what happened, he said, "You know
the car over there [his walker]....the people in it did it to me
[the wheels/legs]."  It took everything I had not to bust out
laughing.  The walker stays in front of the fireplace, and I
guess he dragged his foot into it and got tangled up.

I had to throw away the 2 multi-pronged outlets the tv and
other things are plugged in to.  The prongs were bent.
His arm must have taken them down. 
Nothing else was broken and his head was ok.

The music therapist came today and we had another great
jam session.  John recognized most of the songs. 

We went to his bank and Verizon.  He rested again then went
out and sat with the neighbor's dogs. 

It's been quite the day once again. 

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